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Wednesday, October 29, 2008
america's imminent presidential elections decidedly encompasses much more than exalting obama or mccain into the redoubtable ranks of presidency. The global financial pandemonium that continues to prostrate economies in turbulence and even the unceasing war on obliterating terrorism from the face of existence have significantly contributed to the widespread anticipation for a successor to george bush who will valiantly raise a floundering america in flummox from the ashes that it had almost certainly landed itself in.this man must be efficacious at navigating the world's largest economy through the financial bedlam that george bush had indirectly orchestrated, besides recognising that confronting violence with violence will only exacerbate terrorism.some emerging economies,particularly china,have thrown the gauntlet down at america with their breakneck expansion that threaten to overthrow the world supremacy,a status that was duly bestowed by history and once seemed impenetrable,yet now battered and debilitated.nevertheless,america's bearing in the world has continue to be of paramount importance and more pertinent than ever,the man who ascends the throne in november 2 will have much to prove in restoring america's grandeur and reinstating her reputation, failure which will relegate the once infallible land into the pages of history.

Thursday, July 24, 2008
now we all know why she's the idol among the american idols.

Tuesday, July 08, 2008
i was forced to abandon my reticence today and engage in a titillating conversation with a biliously imbecile lout by the gawkish moniker of lawrence who owns the dubious 'universal tuition agency'.the modus operandi of this bovine swine's syndicate that seemingly employs as many filippinos as the number of locusts that can inundate the wheat fields in australia?pilfer money from the tutors it employs.
here's a snippet of our orgasmic conversation.

abra: yes,u called?ive received five missed calls from u.
lawrence: ohh yea,i did.so what're u returning my call for?
abra: well,u gave me five missed calls,so im returning your call right now.
lawrence: and why are u returning my call?
abra: cuz im being polite, quite unlike someone,u see.
abra: nahh.why don't u apologise to me first for threatening to forefeit my pay before i'll apologise to u.
lawrence: no no.since when did i threaten u?i don't remember threatening u.
abra: jesus christ, the number of senile people in singapore's increasing.

on hindsight,the doeful boar was so defenceless against my verbal onslaught,he had to resort to reverse psychological tactics to,albeit futilely,resist my inexorable attacks.shameless slut.

dont ever acquaint yourselves with this poor excuse for living,yea?
avoid anyone calling from 68971633 or 96786373 like u would elude a plague.

Saturday, June 28, 2008
apologies for my protracted absence.
havent really encountered any endocrinal incidents worthy of advertorial space on my blog,hence the interminable hiatus.furthermore,ive never been the tawdry fella who blogs frivolously.tskk.
anyhow,ive finally extricated myself from the dumbfounding heuristics of aquatics after almost twenty years,although ive been plagued by the disconcerting suspicion that i swim as gracefully as a bull in a china shop.
unsurprisingly,im still relentlessly being accosted,whether in camp or at public swimming pools.are there repellents for barricading perverse uncles who have facial complexions incredulously resembling the himalayans that are screaming trebly for botox to banish the crows' feet from me being sold commercially?
and unless uve been hibernating under a massive iceberg like snow frogs,u shouldve known by now that two servicemen met their demise during the course of their mandatory military training.some bovine fellas have ohh-so-righteously exclaimed that it is the onus of all guys to improve their physical fitness prior to their stint of martyrdom.these intellectually feeble louts are severely myopic to the fact that the culprit in such misfortunes is more often than not congenital heart defects or conditions that cannot be remedied by wearing out the treadmill.a greater cause for concern would be the clandestine manner in which these cases are being handled.the veil of covertness behind the genuine cause of these deaths is rather disquieting,besides the lack of public accountability of this field.
till then.

Thursday, April 10, 2008
the unsettling revelation about how sufiah yusoff,the oxford mathematical phenomenon who was to deport herself from the scintillating future that beckoned to a derogatory life of physical exploitation as a means of achieving financial security has surely sent tremors of consternation quaking through the world.her claims of having been subjected to physical abuse and emotional maltreatment as a child,a consequence of her father's nauseating zeal at producing the next einstein,are creditable,but nonetheless do not justify her disillusioned acts of self-relegation which she dismissed perfunctorily.
this classic instance of how 'hothousing',which's defined as an astringent and rigorous mode of education (i cant emphasize how understated this is),bears an uncanny resemblance to singaporean parents' obsession with hustling and bustling their children into the gifted education programme,or securing an anchored place amongst the formidable cream of the crop for that matter.as much as i would like to allude such an unhealthy preoccupation to these parents' fervent hope of success for their children,it is a salient fact that these parents,many or not and consciously or not,are the arbitrators of this relentless paperchase where their children have become their means of basking to an end of glory.
the latter may possess venerated knowledge and redoubtable academic results at the most tender of ages,but surely we have forgotten that einstein was affectionately labelled a retard as a child whose subsequent prodigious achievements are still unequalled.
the difference between knowledge and wisdom is a selfishly marginal one.knowledge is acquired,but wisdom is inherent.
the shichida method aint gonna mould anyone into einstein's reincarnation.

Wednesday, April 09, 2008
the diabolical sebaceous cyst that perversely flourished on my voluptuous posterior has finally been subjugated and extradited to purgatory,at least i thought.so i was inordinately mortified upon the vile concession that crimson blood percolating from the wound had inundated the dressing and stained my white bermudas a disquieting maroon at the most disconcerting spot.
im really thrilled.

Thursday, February 28, 2008
brace yourselves for the assailment of my chariot of updates.

chinese new year this year was,expectedly,lackadaisical.the flatulent display of whimsical patronisation was essentially necessary in pilferin red packets from financially commodious visitors.muahahaha.

valentine's day was spent dining at brazil churrascaria along sixth avenue.the palatable selection of gastronomically gratifyin meats,which included some surreptiously palatable ones like skewered chicken hearts,and luxuriant salads made this palatial buffet highly unsuitable for those who're gastroentrologically languid.check it out,folks:) http://brazilfranchise.biz/Index.html

the skyline around harbourfront,mount faber and sentosa was visually arrestin,as i witnessed with bated breath in the cable car,though i wasn't sure if my bronchial congestion was,for a larger part,consequential of my trepidation of makin headlines for plungin into opulent forestry and darkness in a cable car catastrophe.

the excursion to night safari was indelible for the sheer fact that it was ocularly debilitatin,havin to contort your optical nerves and muscles to catch a faint,even fleetin,glimpse of the resident creatures.this was,however,richly remunerated by the sporadic opportunity i had of hearin a real lion's roar.the magnificent and revered monarch bellowed a detonative roar that reveberated throughout the safari,leavin little for us to ponder why it was destined to reign.

Monday, February 04, 2008
taiwanese celebrities really have a debilitative sense of humour.
those recreants were sure intrepid in their onslaught of singaporeans' supposed atrocious articulation on a taiwanese variety show where their causticity was ostentatious.
herein lies the unfathomable irony,since those intellectually challenged beings more often than not uncannily sound like they were conceived with convoluted vocal chords and inflamed gums that severely impaired their fundamental ability to converse intelligently,or even like crows in an asphyxiating fit of asthmatic bronchial spasms.
my dearrs,they really epitomised how the obsolete pot called the chichi pot black.

Friday, February 01, 2008
my ubiquitously insipid and excruciatingly mundane train journeys home have always been emotionally remunerative spent by moonlightin as a clandestined fashion police who furtively analyses the threads of commuters and mentally arrests those who dress as repugnantly well as bjork while in my veracious ipod's companionship.
while incarceratin more commuters who suspiciously seemed like they inherited fashion tips from big bird one day,a particular figure wrestled my attention away from these fashionably-impaired beings.
he was an anaemic boy slumped against the train partition,apathetic and torpid while his muslim head dress perched precariously on his head,his leaden eyelids meanwhile engaged in a agonising battle with overwhelming fatigue.
heartrendin sight,but more resoundin are questions about whether our education system,in all its impetuosity of churning out einstein potboilers,has bludgeoned our ascendants' childhood and galvanised the inherent value of education.
i wouldnt wanna have been conceived anytime later.imagine a generation of children who can effortlessly perform gauss' theorem at the tender age of five.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008
the redoubtable paparazzi is really an intimadatin force to be reckoned with,with how it proliferates from its sullied reputation of brazenly enroachin on the privacy of its victims and propagates from contemptible adulations of it blusterin information outta proportion.this,unfortunately,is compounded by the insatiable voracity for such frivolous information by gossipmongers,an epidemic by itself that continues to plague our revered civilisation.
britney spears mush have committed the most abominable of crimes in her past life to have been reincarnated into a dartboard assailed with malevolent condemnations and nefarious criticisms as frequent as i blink.
adipose tissues and cellulite may have colonised her waist and render her neither emaciated like keira knightly nor svelte like jennifer lopez;her latest album may not have vaulted up billboard to immortality;her state of mental distress has convoluted her ability to behave prudently and decide impartially.but surely there is no absolute necessity in publishin such information to the most miniscule of details for her detractors to baulk at,much less exploit her current state of mental dilapidation via an invitation to open the american music awards with much aplomb for the flagrant and abhorrent purpose of ricochetin their fortunes.blatant despicability.
britney's life is her prerogative,excuse me.

Tuesday, January 01, 2008
the articles in times magazines,albeit not repulsively palaverous that's starkly reminiscent of the economist,more often than not emanate an asphyxiating prosaicness that's highly adroit at percolatin ur unsuspectin minds before anaestheticising it,but an impressionable article published in a recent issue transcended this mediocrity.this article understatedly vociferated the heartwrendin anguish of transvetites who've colonised a geographically obscure town in india,relegated to wretched objects of ridicule and ostracisation owing to their ambiguous gender and servile trade.what affected me was their steadfast pursuit of that elusive dignity that all beings should deservedly possess yet have been guilefully seized from them,nevermind the grosteque images conjured up by the supposed prevalence of self-castration that's a disquetin consequence of poverty.the disconsolatin truth behind their ceaseless struggle for a fundamental intangible called pride raises questions on how the astoundin intellectual development of us humans has handicapped our ability to make even fairly rational judgements of others.

Wednesday, December 26, 2007
mother nature threw down the gauntlet at the most ghoulish of hours this mornin when she brandished her pis aller after failin to prematurely cease my indulgence in my revered obsession of sleepin with someone's sonorous sleepin grunts:she exhausted all my means of defence when she threatened to flood the river banks if i didnt answer her desperate calls.
after being enslaved by her to quench the insatiable thirst of the toilet bowl,i lumbered back to office like a bear in a drunken stupor and was ready to hibernate again when i witnessed another being gesticulatin and blabberin incongruously while asleep.
at least i was fascinated.

Tuesday, December 25, 2007
the gargantuan sphere of torrid flames,affectionately known as the sun,has finally regained consciousness after conceding utter defeat when assailed by the interminable streams of water that bombarded everything in its path with unforgivin aggression the past week.
never mind the inconvenience caused when the floodgates of heaven were opened at the most unpropitious of times,where my immaculate hairdo and fresh clothes were left none the worse by the profusion of water pellets that colonised earth.
at least mr sun wrestled its relinquished position as sovereign ruler of the hemisphere back from mr rain last saturday,so us bunk one-ers could have a beach revelry at sentosa.hehh.
nehnehh just convinced that im uncannily resemblin a hunk right now after havin been gymmin religiously,conspicuously jealous that i was commandin more attention when i was shirtless on the beach.inferiority complex,i understand.hahahaha X)
i miss the bunk one days:(
the essence of camwhorin was in full ostentation when i caught up with fiona and desmond on christmas eve.adorin the camera lens' inherent in photogenic souls,so stop blamin me.hahaha:)
and mr phang zhiyuan,i havent forgotten how i was frostily denied entry into mos by the phlegmatic bouncer.tskk.haha.
caught the warlords last night.takeshi's actin has improved so drastically,even i was impressed and affected.and andy lau proved his golden horse wins for best actor werent a result of incessant prayers or a severely myopic panel of judges.fantastic movie.
topman skinny jeans from gerald,
tequila shot glass from zhiyuan,
froggy mug from staff clare
handphone from mummy.

Monday, December 17, 2007
When you look back on times we had
I hope you smile
And know that through the good and through the bad
I was on your side when nobody could hold us down
We claimed the brightest star
And we, we came so far
And no they won't forget

Whenever you remember times gone by
Remember how we held our heads so high
When all this world was there for us
And we believe that we could touch the sky
Whenever you remember, I'll be there
Remember how we reached that dream together
Whenever you remember

When you think back on all we've done
I hope you're proud
When you look back and see how far we've come
It was our time to shine
And nobody could hold us down
They thought they'd see us fall
But we, we stood so tall
And no we won't forget

Whenever you remember times gone by
Remember how we held our heads so high
When all this world was there for us
And we believe that we could touch the sky
Whenever you remember, I'll be there
Remember how we reached that dream together
Whenever you remember

Saturday, December 15, 2007
time sauntered sluggishly today,seemingly aware of the substantial weight of emotions that i was shoulderin.
somehow,ive pretty much ironed out my creased thoughts,at least for the moment.
love is selfish.monogamy's an archaic rule,but its dedicated reign over governance of the principles of love will never cease,sustainin the enshrinin of love.and,a definin characteristic of love would be both parties makin a conscious effort to nourish the mutual passion they possessed for each other regardless of circumstances,and not take it for granted that it will propagate with time.

i know when this's been on ur mind,
that distant look is in ur eyes,
i thought it's time u realise it's over,over.
it's not the way i choose to be,
but somethin somewhere's gotta give

a share in this rltnship gets older,older

u know i'd fight for u,
but how can i fight someone who isnt even there?
ive had the rest of u,now i want the best of u
i dont care if that's not fair.

there are times it seems to me,
im sharin u with memories,
i feel it in my heart but i dont show it,show it.
then there's time u look at me,
as though im all that u can see,
those times i dont believe it's right,i know it,know it.

cuz i want it all,
or nothin at all,

there's nowhere left to fall,
when u reach the bottom,
it's now or never.
is it all,
or are we just friends,

is this how it ends,
with a simple telephone call,
u leave me here,
with nothin at all.

cuz u and i,
could lose it all if uve got no more room,
nowhere inside for me in ur life.

Friday, December 14, 2007
someone remarked that im a complicated character,by which he meant that im a gallery of profound thoughts and a museum of abstract feelings.unfortunately,these two shrines of mine are heavily defended by my impregnable mental fortress,of which only a meagre few have managed to perpetrate.
sometimes,even i manage to get lost in my own communion of what my mind conceives and what my heart perceives.

honestly,im always rather apprehensive about our impromptu appointments since my suggestions on where to go and what to do arent usually a delight to ur palate.the evident frustration that foreshadowed ur reluctance at decidin to catch 'the warlords' today was somehow intimidatin and taunted me into silence when i had wanted to earnestly tell u that even the most humdrum of time can be the most endearin with u by my side.
cuz every moment we spend together is even better than the moments before,
and if everyday was as good as today was,
then i cant wait till tmr comes.

was initially suspicious of the recipient of the red paper bag,which i really shouldnt have.was initially skeptical of ur appreciation of my assistance,which i really shouldnt have too:a box of my favourite pineapple tarts and an affectionate massage of my shoulders were the answers to my presumptuous questions.
all u have to do is close ur eyes and just reach out ur hands and touch me,
hold me close,dont ever let me go

waited patiently for ur reply to my message,as i intently contemplated the validity of the cliche 'outta sight,outta mind' while peerin blearily outta the unpolished train windows.
an empty street,
an empty house,
a hole inside my heart.
im all alone,
the rooms are gettin smaller.

instigated by my antagonistic schizophrenic to launch a mental battle with ur fallacious perception of love,which's tantamount to u still being emotionally stalked by ur unpleasant past yet livin in denial.
so now i come to u with open arms,
wantin to hide,
believe what i say.
so here i am with open arms,
hopin u'll see what ur love means to me,
open arms.

lastly,have i ever told u
from the first day that i saw the smile in ur face,
honey,i knew that we would be
together forever.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007
this entry should deservedly effuse happiness and excitement,and it takes those souls who're most deficient in cranal juices to not comprehend why,especially after what was a memorable trip to malacca.
regretfully,the initial enthusiasm i had has dissipated,leaving behind a searing heat that's grilling me relentlessly and savagely ever since i,both intentionally and otherwise,stumbled upon his blog.
i'll be relegatin myself to the humiliatin caste of a morally awry being by passing such derogatory remarks that're diffusin such causticity,but my pandora's box of emotions has been brusquely pried open.
i just cant fathom how such an ostensibly frivolous gallivant can even successfully trespass the sacramental realms of the most intricate and unadulterated expression called love,when the fundamental element of unprofanity in love has been severely compromised by his glarin flippancy.

g says:
hmmm y u wish u nv saw my profile

if being lost means never knowing how it feels without u says:
then i wouldnt have seen his blog

and i wont be doused in uncertainty and misery over being a subsidiary in ur relationship.

im clearly chewin on dreadfully sour grapes,as much as i know im essentially an unwelcomed intruder in ur sacromatic relationship which im starkly reminded of by the most innocent of gestures such as u sendin him a text message,which's frighteningly sufficient at wearin down my resistance to such vulnerability.

a relationship isnt defined by one serpentine party(him) extortin copious amounts of ur time and presence by passin some whimsical pretext.and the genuity of a relationship that's built on an overwhelmin feelin of indebtedness is highly questionable.

the love that i have,
do u not see it,or do u not want it?

Saturday, December 08, 2007
misfortunes have their lives and their limits,their sickness and their duration.
and what doesnt kill u makes u stronger,yes?

one of my commanders asked me one of the most eccentric of questions a couple of days back.after subjectin me to a rather intense visual scrutiny durin which my dignity as an indigenous member of the male species was malevolently violated,he asked if i work as a model.i graciously accepted that as a compliment,of course,notwithstanding the awkwardness that swathed me in this compromisin situation.

the commendable,albeit not outstandin,performance of the stellar cast of the golden compass was surely the savin grace of what would otherwise have been a rather lacklustre movie,content and action wise,despite havin been released with aplomb admidst much hype.still,the effortlessly glamorous nicole kidman will make ur penny worth,really.haha.

curses*my trip to malacca's disrupted.danggggg.

Sunday, December 02, 2007
faith has always been the most allegiant of companions,and was surely a source of sustenance through what has been a rather violently undulatin week.
thankfully,misfortunes have their life and their limits,their sickness and their duration,yes?
survivor instincts have always been inherent in us humans.
just takes that definitive moment to ignite our innate strength to boundless limits.

investin too much feelings in someone prematurely has always been one of my mortal achilles' heels.
and human nature,at its unscrupulous best,decrees us to abscond with the feelings of such vulnerable people huhh.
im sure ive given my best,though it's been marred by imperfections.
question is,have u?

Tuesday, November 27, 2007
another emotionally charged day overflowin with my interminable tirade about my lacklustre day.
humans have always been innately pretentious:those disillusioned nesiences who blindly dismiss the profound truth that life's a play are meagre excuses for existin.
our dire necessity to garner respect unconsciously dictates that we,sometimes even under the most excruciatin of circumstances,maintain an infallible image.
why vehemently suppress our most heartfelt emotions when it's precisely this one definitive trait of being able to indulge in and relate to the most complex of our intangible emotions that grades us as the superior species?
if smotherin my emotions which are perpetually screamin shrilly yet inaudibly to be heard's a crime,then i'm regretfully guilty.
four rather agonisin months have passed since ive been inducted,but ive yet to be immuned against the sheer dread that the crack of every new dawn lavishes on me.
ive been sustainin my poised image throughout,but even that's an emotional drain.
enough is enough.

Sunday, November 25, 2007
ohh yeahrr,wenxuan's surprised me with her maturity once again.
that said,we've reached a consensus.
the meagre amount of time we have on the face of this earth that's slowly but surely succumbin to the onslaught of pollution certainly justifies our nonchalance towards others who're tryin to make a profitable career outta makin derogatory remarks about others.
and,im sorry about my volatile moods the past couple of days.
hopefully,ull be the unfortunate but obliged one who'll bear the brunt of my ventin and rantin in future?haha:)
ohh,i made the most amzin discovery today!

it's become appallingly apparent that my back injuries are unintentionally makin me the target of much ostracisation and hatred in camp.
i'll readily admit ive accumulated an eviable amount of medical leaves from camp,compounded by the seemingly suspicious number of times ive booked out for medical appointments.
but if all u imbeciles think havin a sustained backache's exhilaratin,then ure probably the unfortunate product of two god-forsaken beings.woe betide.
i aint gonna wallow in misery over the sickening prejudism and cordial dislike that u all have swathed me in,hell no.
if makin me the subject of all ur malice bequeathes u all a humiliatingly cheap sense of thrill,then i'll gladly be the dartboard.
bring it on,honey.
it takes more than what u're all worth to expunge my dignity.
snide remarks like 'u dont even know this?!',they only inflict an insignificant itch.
im ingenuously sorry they dont abrade my self worth.
u can be effulgently adapt at ur work,but being possessin such a contemtuously conceited behavious and equally disdainful attitude only demean urselves,hotshots.
cant take my sardonicism?sorry,u got the ball rollin.

Saturday, November 10, 2007
abraham's officially nineteen:)
and his birthday celebrations surely lived up to the grandeur of his being,of course,abraham,urs truly.
in more simplistic terms for ur mundane minds,it was tres magnifique~ :)
zhiyuan and i really made our presence compellingly felt when us two stunnigly gorgeous things capable of sendin juz about anyone into convulsions with the flutter of our eyelids turned up at black angus with an oreomisu cake for shell.juz to sidetrack,the oreos that were strategically placed on the immaculate cake were either really poor imitations or manufactured in the most populous country in the world (u know,the country where the best athletes will congregate next year for the most prestigious sportin event next year),both of which dont really make a heck of a difference.anyway,dinner was commendably good,thought the salmon fish needed dabs of moisturiser to improve its rather dry and flaky texture.and,the planets were most probably in the most inauspicious of alignments yesterday,cuz i was a total crackpot with my weapons of mass destruction,namely mischief and humour,ignited.not to mention,i embarrassingly dropped whipped potato into my glass of water.damn.
pubbin session at indochine wisma was funtastic,of course.cynthia the chick,never ready to relinquish her role of party hen,never looked so svelte before.haha.and,coney island tea's the lost twin of long island tea.u gotta be born with a tongue embedded with sensors to detect the subtle difference,really.
well,i left indochine rather abruptly on a classified mission,where xavier picked me up from town and whisked me off at breakneck speed on the deserted highways at that unearthly hour towards our iconic changi airport for a classfied mission.and,knowin david's inherently keen about adrenaline rushes,i gladly took him along.haha!

Friday, November 09, 2007
fantastic song,flawless performance by sarah connor.

belated or not,i still wanna declare.
juz fertilely imagine it's 071107 today.
ohh.didnt realise the date's so auspicious.
happyy birthdayy mummyy!
lovin u for the nineteenth year,or at least soon,as ur son!
shoppin this sunday!

'harrowin' barely encapsulates how literally breathtakin my day has been.
i wrestled back from the realms of death umpteen times when the successive network problems induced an overdose of adrenaline production compounded by multiple cardiac arrests.
and,all the bad karma i'd accumulate's finally purged out after being the honoured one to perform duty with his highness goh hong seng.
horror of horrors.
he brazenly thought my warnings about not comin even within a hair's breadth of my msn conversations and friendster account,besides other private information,were either for naught or some casual lip service.
and so,he had the greatest misfortune of experiencin the catastrophic damage i can inflict with juz the crackin of my tongue and smackin of my lips.he'd probably have at least a pinch of his exiguous dignity left if he'd ask him domestic helper to take his place in the battlefield,since she most probably showers him at home as well.
ohh dearr.did i juz make an ostentatious revelation?
at least i refrained from spittin at the three stripes he wagered at me most menacingly and made me shudder so intensely,u would have mistaken me for an epileptic patient havin a bout of severe fits.
swine.dont expect even an ounce of respect from me from now on.
unfortunately,he failed to ruin ur truly's birthday which's in twenty-one hours' time.had a steamboat buffet dinner at coca with jeremy and marcus juz before bookin into this most dreary place on thursday evenin.gorged myself like my stomach's a cauldron.haha.jeremy bought me cranberry butter cookies that came in a really exquisite container.haha.
juz thought i'd mention,not least for sundry and all to baulk at,i'd gone on a drinkin binge last friday and sent my tear ducts and vocal chords into overdrive when i'd blabber incessantly in my drunken stupour.i've probably escalated myself right up the list of alcoholics waitin impatiently to contract liver cirrhosis,but heyy,the emotional release was really much needed.
man's born to be adept at actin.even sulas was saliently surprised that im laden with troubles when im always lookin happier than jellybeans.
caught rockapella live in esplanade on 041107,of which half the ticket price of 30bucks was sponsored my my dearest zhizhong as a birthday treat.they were really fantastic-my mind's runnin dangerously low on fuel right now;that's about the most outstandin word i can conjure up.
zhiyuan and i will be havin dinner with shell's family at black angus,orchard park hotel tmr evenin.then both of us will be scootin off to indochine for a gatherin with my other close friends.guest-of-honour's my jiejie,of course:)
as i desperately hunt for my handsome sleep,my nineteenth birthday awaits me.
nostalgic and happy.

Thursday, October 11, 2007
being a social butterfly has never,and unfortunately will never on foresight,been a fervent ambition of mine,so it doesnt leave much to ur most limited imagination how,with an unprecedented amount of distaste,do i scorn those put who their pore clogged noses to the grindstone at establishin relationships with juz about any being that looks remotely like the human species.i dont embrace such superficiality,although it pretty much seems like gettin acquainted with juz about anyone and everyone's the mantra among those emotionally challenged these days.
ure the godforsaken one if u think im pennin these caustic words outta jealousy over those who possess sucha long directory of friends,the cambridge dictionary's put to utter shame.
juz because even my existence was most probably and most conveniently forgotten and subsequently excluded from someone's birthday bash aint gonna make me start flashin the most luminous of smiles in hope of gainin pathetic brownie points.
i dont need to relegate myself to such abyssmal levels to gain entry into anyone's termite colonised good books.
my friends are those who've been annointed by me for being the exceptional people that they are,and im sufficiently contented with them however small a group they are.
i enjoy being in my own league.
and no,u aint invited,so,bite the dust will ya.

Thursday, August 23, 2007
been brimmin with frustration the entire week,and it aint exactly excitin havin to drag this leaden emotion every nook and cranny i trudge as time flows with maximum viscosity.gimme a decade and i'll still completely fail to,im positively sure,understand how u can succumb to ur friend's unfounded thoughts and spurious opinions.
ohh fuck.im really lost for words again.

Monday, August 13, 2007
experience can be a godsent gift bestowed by the most picturesque and tranquil of heavens above to offer u invaluable lessons on even the smallest fragments of life, yet it can also the source upon which the demon which resides in us draw strength from,evokin past emotions from past incidents that have hurt us more than deeply and coercin us to behave irrationally in an attempt to defend ourselves from being inflicted with more emotional wounds that time never really heals.

sometimes,ud fervently wish that all the memories confined in us,particularly the unpleasant ones of course,can be erased effortlessly to save us the trouble of grapplin with them still when smth similar happens again.truth of the matter is,this aint as effortless as removin pencil marks with a piece of eraser.

besides,ever realised how imprints of what uve written sometimes appears on the reverse side of the piece of paper ure writin on?

Tuesday, August 07, 2007
the lessons that life has to offer are more often than not veiled in the most deceptive of manners,leadin u on a diabetically sweet wild good chase before dismemberin what's left of u,emotionally especially,juz when ure all absorbed in its enchantment.
im sayin this,not least cuz im the most qualified person around to dispense such eeriely true and difficult to comprehend philosophies of life,but cuz ive been there,done that.
life revolves around makin choices.unfortunately,human nature borders on selfishness,so only the minority few will not make choices from which they dont stand to gain anyth from.consequentially,life aint ever fair.ur every choice and decision will certainly leave one party relieved and perhaps to some extent,happy,while reducin the other party to a useless mangle only to pick up after himself.
my point being,why cant people attempt to strike a balance under such circumstances when they gotta make a choice?it'll undeniably be tirin,whether physically or emotionally,to accede to the requests from all parties,and obviously all parties will have to sacrifice certain things in the long run,but at the end of the day,im sure the most satisfaction will be derived knowin that uve done ur best and succeeded in easin such a tense situation by compromisin in all aspects.
because,when u gotta make a choice out of the two that're offered to u,it's innate is us humans to blindly discard the one that actually the matters most to us juz for the other choice that contains all but superficialities.
and when u finally realised what uve lost,it aint late,really.
it's way too late.

Monday, July 23, 2007
truth be told,i was kinda appalled upon the sudden realisation that this is only my third post of the year,but being the optimist ive always been,i take ample pride in the fact that a single post my,whether or not,lactlustre blog will probably do me sufficient justice with all its wicked sense of humour that,unfortunately,some people fail to appreciate.hahaha.randomness.
juz wanna say,the display of fireworks at saturday's national day parade preview,though not exactly spectacular,more than enchanted me as i was awed by its magnificence,watchin it at the esplanade.and u know why,dont u?:)
*never have i felt this feeling before,u showed me the world,how could i ask for more*